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New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony

Thursday 11th February brings with it a New Moon in Aquarius. To honour this myself and Alice Foley Fae will be holding an intimate intention setting ceremony. We've been brewing up ideas together for some time now, but COVID and motherhood threw a couple of spanners in the works. But now the stars and planets are (quite literally) aligned and we have birthed this ceremony for you, bringing together some of the things that we both are passionate about - the moon, Reiki, crystals, meditation and sharing.

Aquarius energy teaches us about clarifying our vision for the future. This New Moon is the perfect time to set new goals for your personal hopes, dreams and aspirations in relation to your life, and the community around you - What is your ideal vision for the future of the world?

We will be teaching you how to amplify the power of your intentions using crystals and meditation.

Crystal Queen Alice Foley Fae will be showing us how to create an Aquarius energy crystal grid, and I will be leading a meditation as we send our intentions out to the universe. Alice will also be sending Reiki healing to all those present during the meditation. I will also be providing guidance from the Tarot.

There will be a sharing circle where we will invite you to share your intentions with the group if you so wish. Sharing with others is such a powerful experience and will only add more 'oomph' to your intention!

New Moons are all about retreating inward, so we invite you to come in whatever you feel comfortable - pj's, joggers, dressing gown, a blanket draped over you, even under your duvet! - it's totally up to you as long as you feel safe and cosy.

We've capped the circle at 12 to keep it personal and intimate, so if you'd like to join us please secure your space over here.

Sending love,


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